Sunday, October 26, 2008


Atonement is the process of forgiving or pardoning a wrong-doing. I don't believe anyone truely recieves atonement. I think that Briony is the only one to come close to achieveing atonement, and that is only a personal aspect. Briony in true life never seems to attain atonement but it is only in her ficticous novel. I feel this way because throughout the novel from the beginning Briony never truely unvails her wrong-doing, so therefore it is something she is left to live with, and it is only when she begins to speak the truth through her own writing that she may achieve, what I believe is a "false" sense of atonement.

I believe the setting of the book contributes to who doesnt achieve atonement, because during the period of time and the status of the family leads to the prosecution of Robbie, because Robbie is only the son of hired help he is not even questioned before he is carted away. The atonement could have been reach, but it was the avoiding of confrontation that forced Briony to live her life without fully achieving atonement.

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