Sunday, October 5, 2008

Barthelme: My Story

The street is crowded, cold and raining. He walks to catch the bus bumping into people, but none of which he wants to see. He gets to the bus stop, but there's no bus to be found. It's all a blur. He wonders if the bus even comes anymore. His mind is a fog. He continues to wait.

He stands in the rain waiting, hearing and seeing many people go by, and everything eventually starts to run together. It's noise, but not the noise he wants to hear. He begins to look around to see if he could find her, but she wasn't there.

He didn't know what to do. Just as before, he was alone with people all around. He waits a while longer, but he eventually realizes that it's not going to happen. He's fighting a losing battle. While drenched and confused, he yells one last time then continues to walk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done!